Thursday, November 26, 2009

Worst mommy ever.

The other day I took Shea out to run some errands with me. Only in LA (ok, maybe not only, but especially in LA) does it take over 3 hours to go to 2 stores with a round trip of 9 miles. Agh. And I'd forgotten to take Shea to the bathroom before we left. So our last stop was Tommy's. (oh, Tommy's - delicious!) I got the parking spot right next to the glass of the restaurant and Shea wanted to stay in the car so I let him and would turn around and wave at him from 2 feet away as I stood in line waiting to order. He would wave back and smile and blow me a kiss. So I ordered and then went to talk to him while I waited for the food and when I opened the car door he was sobbing. He apparently really had to go to the bathroom and had had an accident, strapped in his seat in the locked car and unable to tell me! I felt so horrible!!!!! When we got home I told Chris what had happened and how terrible I felt. In the tub, Shea told Chris the story too - only he added the fact that his mommy, "used to be the nicest mommy in the world, but now she's the worst!"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

35 ??? !!!

Seriously? Is this possible? I can't believe I'm 35. I never imagined myself this old. Ugh!! I've been bugged about this birthday, until today that is. I got the most gorgeous flowers from Chris. The card said, "Happy Birthday, I love you. These are just the first of 35 gifts that will come over the course of the next few days. 35 doesn't sound so bad now does it?" Nope! I do think that 35 gifts might just get me through this birthday. :-) Can't wait to get my $70 gift card at Disneyland tomorrow, open some more cute, thoughtful gifts and then go to PF with my fam. Happy 35th to me! :-)