Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Late Birthday Sweet Boy

I’m sorry that your mommy was so vain that she blogged about her cake, but nothing else about your birthday. Nice going mom! I’ve been wanting to post some of the things that I love about you this year. In no particular order:

-You LOVE to cuddle. Your favorite parts of the day are all the moments we get to sit on the couch and hold each other. I love that about you my big boy.
-You’d rather have red pepper strips and sugar snap peas for a snack than candy.
-You can’t go to sleep at night without 4 stories, 4 songs and 4 minutes of cuddles. Where did 4 minutes come from? We have no idea!
-You say, “I Yike that” and “Yanks, mom”
-Every day, you are a different superhero.
-When you have a temper tantrum it follows this exact pattern: You drop whatever you were holding. Your shoulders fall, your head falls back and then your bottom lip comes out. Then you throw your hands over your eyes and crumple to the floor, crying. Every time, no matter what. Way to be consistent son.
-You are obsessed with Star Wars. You would sleep with your light saber if we’d let you.
-You say, “I’m so exciting!” when you’re excited about something.
-You LOVE to ride your bike. You would ride around our the four sidewalks in our courtyard for 8 hours straight if you could.
-You are the most adorably, sweet big brother I’ve ever seen. A few days ago I ran down to rotate the laundry and I asked you to take care of Clare. When I got back you were standing beside her swing just watching her sleep. I asked you what you were doing and you said, “I’m just watching over Care, mommy.”
-You are mine. And even though you’re getting to be such a big boy, you’ll always be my baby and I love you more than I can say.

"Helping" mommy make the cake frosting.

Stick the buttons on Darth. (Yeah, you cheated. Hey, it's your party!! :-)

Grabbing the goodies at Darth's demise.


  1. What a sweet little guy. I can't BELIEVE how big he is getting!!!

  2. Happy Birthday Shea! I know I am so late and I am sorry for being a terrible Aunt. I can't believe you are 3!!
