Thursday, April 23, 2009

I am a major fan!

A major, major, major fan of GROCERY DELIVERY!
I just did it today for the first time ever. I won't be able to do this much, as I can't use my coupons with delivery, but I wanted to try it once (especially since the first time delivery is FREE!)
Honestly, I'm not sure I've ever done anything as cool as this. I picked out my groceries online and then someone brought them right to my door and put them on my kitchen table! I didn't have to lug two kids to the store, find it all while fighting with two kids, unload it and them, drag it and them up to the second floor and then put it all away. I'm exhausted thinking about how much effort getting groceries is and this. was. awesome!! Seriously, amazing. Anyone who's never tried it. You MUST!

1 comment:

  1. Can I just tell you, one of my favorite things about you is your new discoveries! You always are so upbeat about great finds and I love to hear about them. For example, life has not been the same since you helped me in on the Ziploc steaming bags!

    I need to try the home delivery myself. I took all 4 kids by myself recently to the store and despite them being really good, I was exhausted by the end!
