Friday, January 8, 2010

My favorite Christmas gifts

My two little chefs LOVE to help in the kitchen so I made them these this year for Christmas. They were super easy and quick and they love to wear them. Tonight they were my little chefs and they helped me make rolls. I think they look adorable in their giant chef hats. I love it! :-)

(Oh, and I know ladybugs is way too girly for a four year old boy, but he picked them out. What could I do?? He was with me when I was getting the fabric and I said if I were making something for a four year old boy who's favorite color was green what fabric should I get? And, yep, ladybugs was his choice. He could not be dissuaded. I'm sure had there been a Disney print or an army print around I could have skipped the ladybugs, but nope, my Joanne's was cleaned out! So there's the story of the lame ladybugs. At least he loves them! :-)


  1. Those are adorable. Where did you get the pattern?

    And the ladybugs are boyish if you think of them as (lady)BUGS. ;)

    And I love how you embroidered their names--makes me wish I had a machine that did that too.

  2. So stinkin' cute! I love it. I started making an apron for Devin over the summer and it still isn't finished. By the time I'm done it will be given to Jaycie instead. But I want to learn how to do that hat. So adorable!

  3. Those are so cute! I'm guessing your machine does embroidery? Do you love it? What kind is it. I'm kind of looking for a sewing machine and am not exactly sure what kind to get. You seem to love yours! Sorry we didn't make it out on January. I ended up getting put on a client last minute, so I couldn't come out for the training. Bummer. But we will come visit soon!

  4. Oh my gosh! I love them!! Did you do the embroidery on the machine? Or did you take it somewhere?

  5. Amazing job! Love them! And love the proud smiles of your cute kids wearing their new aprons and chef hats!

  6. I cannot get over how adorable they look in their caps and chef outfits. You really make me wanna learn to sew!
