Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rex and Cameleon

As I mentioned, Shea is convinced that I'm having twins. Tonight at dinner he named them. His baby brother will be Rex (and in case you're wondering that's the shortened version of Tyrannosaurus Rex) and his baby sister will be Cameleon (yeah, like the lizard.) He's been talking to my belly and calling them by "name" all night. But don't worry, I won't let him get his hopes up. Before she was born, he named Clare Shamu and we didn't let that stick, so there's really no chance for Rex and Cameleon. :-) There's really no chance, for that matter that it's twins either, right?!!!


  1. Oh, NOW I know what I'm dedicating my prayers to!

    Our kids have nicknames for Alyssa. The one that has stuck is "Lyssa Lou." It is so cute to hear them call her that. I ran into Kim (your sis-in-law) at Merideth's baby shower on Saturday.

  2. I hope for your sake, that it isn't twins. One newborn is hard enough. But I think Rex is back in style now, so maybe Shea is onto something?

  3. Ruby wants to name our baby "Shiney" so at least one of your name is an actual name. My kids don't like any of my boy names, so now Mila is praying that we'll find a name the whole family likes. What? I didn't know my kids had a say on the name.

  4. Hey Jen, tell Karolyn that Shiny IS a real name...there are TWO girls here at my office named Shiny. Odd, eh? :)

  5. Shea is so cute. I am glad he is excited about a new brother or sister. Congrats again on being pregnant! Let me know if you need anything.

  6. I was 19 1/2 weeks when we found out the boys were twins...not to scare you:) I bet there is just one healthy, happy baby in there! You will do great with three!

  7. I hope for twins!! Yay!! You'd be the 5th ex-roommate of mine to have them!! So exciting!

  8. Come on, twins is not that bad. (Just forget about the crying situation in the beginning!!)
    I can see you naming him Rex and having an adorable story to go along with the name:) Again, congrats...I am so happy for you.

  9. Congratulations!!!! I think twins is a blast so you'll have 4 kids without planning and having no choices.. haha Just kidding, having twins is just double blessing!!!
    Shea is such a smart boy!!
    Miss you....

  10. Come on Jenna, post something new! You don't have an excuse now cause you're done with traning and you're not sick anymore. I'll be waiting! :)
