Thursday, August 28, 2008

An experiment

Tonight Chris took Shea to a meeting with him and left me here alone with the phones (I'm on duty this week) and Clare. Well, Clare went to sleep just after they left and the phones weren't ringing so I thought, Heaven! I'll just sit here on this couch and do NOTHING! For an hour!! I won't grade any tasks for work, I won't make the jewelry I'm supposed to be making, I won't start the decorations for the baby shower that's here on Sat, I won't do the dishes, I'll just RELAX.

I can't do it. Absolutely could NOT just sit and enjoy the Food Network. I'm so jealous of Chris. He's a giant help around the house, but when he wants to relax, he sits down and plays Wii or watches TV without doing anything else. I'm apparently totally incapable of this anymore. I couldn't watch Iron Chef, all I could think about was the fact that at least 3 of the things I have to do tonight or tomorrow I could be doing while watching TV. LAME!! Moms, are we all like this or is it just me? Is this part of my OCD or am I just weird? I just want to be lazy! (For a few minutes at least.)


  1. I'm definitely the opposite of you! I can absolutely sit down and do nothing and love it. (Although I do freak out later about all the stuff that didn't get done! Ooops...) I think I'd rather be more like you. I'm still trying to become OCD. :)

  2. Girl, I need to teach you some lessons on laziness.... I seem to have no problems lumping my body on the couch, remote in hand, savoring the Food Network, HGTV, or some crazy reality show! I wish I could have that fire under me that wants to have it all done. I guess by the end of the day I am just too tired and if I have to do the dishes in the morning to get a few minutes to myself at night, then that's how it goes. Now I know why your house is so immaculate! You go girl!

  3. It must run in the family. I'm the EXACT same way and it SUCKS.

  4. All Moms have to be like that. I am definitely like that. It's the same with going to bed -- I say I'm going, then do 10 more things get bottles ready, fold laundry, put away dishes, etc.) and finally climb in bed. My husband just says he's going to bed, then does.

  5. I really miss the good old OCD days. I can lay around like a big fat panda just like the best of them these days!

  6. We're all like this. Crazy. I used to be able to sit and watch a movie. Now I must be doing something else at the same time or I feel lazy.
