Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Too tiny?

Seriously? She's too tiny? I know she's petite, but she's so cute - she even has a few darling little rolls! How is she too tiny? Is that possible for a girl? (This coming from the mom who can't imagine being too tiny. I wish!!) Anyway, yep, apparently I've been slowly starving my sweet little angel. I feel terrible! Today I took her to her 6 month appointment and we found out that she's only gained 2 ounces in the past 6 weeks. She only weight 12 1/2 pounds. On the charts she's actually started going down! She's in the 5th percentile for weight, 10th for height and 25th for head circumference. So now...
I have to give her a formula bottle after EVERY SINGLE feeding and we are supposed to start solids, not the normal 3 times a day, but 5! to get more calories in her. And yep, you heard it, straight from the Dr's mouth - nights? EVERY time she wakes up I'm supposed to feed her. Forget sleep training for at least 3 more months! Don't even think about letting her cry through a feeding so she'll sleep longer, nope! Feed her, feed her, feed her. I don't see a full night's sleep for a long time yet - but I do see a fat little dumpling!!


  1. I can't wait to see her rolls in a few months! She is going to be CHUBBY :)

    Sorry that sleep training is going on hold. She'll gain weight in no time, don't worry!

  2. Ugh, how obnoxious, so sorry!! On her new diet, she'll be plump as a sweet little piggy in no time! Never fear!

  3. Wow, and I thought my doctor when Elisa was "too tiny" was strict! Good luck with that. Elisa was probably only on the charts once, and then didn't get back on until she was over 2 years, if I remember right. What about Pediasure?

  4. Wow, so sorry. We'll send some luck your way!!

  5. I'm surprised your doc didn't have you start solids a month or so earlier with that baby? She looks healthy and darling as is. Can't wait to see what some "extra calories" will do for her!

  6. Too cute--I think she is beautiful no matter what. I do remember those days--At 12 months, Ke'ola's doctors were still telling me to feed her more. As they put it "she needs more butter on her toast". And 8 years later, she is still the little petite thing she has always been. In fact, she didn't even make it on the chart until she was 6--and even now she's barely doing that!! Good Luck--We miss you guys!!
