Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Why I love being a teacher.

I love being a teacher. Someday I'll do a blog with all the reasons that I love it, but today I love being a teacher because you can get two emails like these, ON THE SAME DAY!!! :-)

From Nicole's mom:

"Wow! I couldn't imagine an English teacher penalizing a student for reading too much. I'm so confused. 20 minutes a night would equate to, lets say, 3 hours a week (I'm going over to prove my point.) Nicole should have read 12 hours last month, instead she reas 31 hours and 30 minutes, yet did not get full credit. Hmmm...... I expect a change on her grade or I'll call the principal... I can't even begin to tell you my amazement at this!"

-no kidding!!! She threatened to tattle to my principal. Is she in 8th grade or is her daughter?? (who, for the record, had not done the full assignment, which is why she lost points, not because she read too much!) STUPID PARENTS!!!!!

From Jesse's mom:

"Mrs. Flood,

I just had to take a minute and let you know how happy I am that you had Jesse read and write about The Giver. I read Jesse's 5 paragraph essay outline. I was surprised at the deep thoughts he had. Thank you for providing an environment of true learning. You are so good. Jesse and I are going to miss you terribly.

Thank you again!"


  1. Who does that first mom think she is?? Maybe she needs to go back to school and learn a few things or two!! When I was student teaching I had a mom get so mad at me, because she said I favored other students. She said at their house, her son was in his little bubble and he got everything he wanted and that at school he was getting the attention he needed. She refused to have parent teacher conference with me. She only wanted the teacher to be there. I was so offended and cried for days about this. I couldn't handle dealing with parents like this on a constant basis. You know you are such a great teacher and your students are blessed to have you. Screw that parent!!

  2. WOW...I'm embarrassed for the first mom. She sure made herself look like an idiot and a fool. I'm glad you got the nice email after the first one. I bet it helped you feel better! I really hope you get more of those nice emails than the mean ones! You deserve them!!

  3. So whatever happened to that first mom?
