Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Peking Acrobats

Chris and I got to take Shea on a special outing last weekend. Shea's a bit obsessed with China. In Pre-K and K, there were lots of kids in his class from China, including his best little friend and the girl he was "going to marry" :-). His class learned a lot about China, several Chinese phrases and he really fell in love. So when I saw that the Peking Acrobats were in town, I had to get tickets!

It was the most incredible thing I've. ever. seen. EVER. I CAN NOT believe what those people's bodies can do. It was insane!! And so much fun. We haven't done anything alone with Shea Shea since before Clare was born, so it was so great to just take him and do something special. We loved every second of it.

(If the Peking Acrobats ever come to where you're at RUN! and I mean run, to get tickets. It was seriously one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my life!)

He got a $5 Chinese drum that he was thrilled with. (Love the gum hanging out? :-)
Love my boys!


  1. Looks like so much fun - - - and Jen, really cute coat!!

  2. Hello, Jenna: A note of thanks to you for your kind words about our show, THE PEKING ACROBATS. As the producers of this outstanding attraction, our entire team works very hard to create unique entertainment experiences for audiences around the world. It is the enthusiasm of fans like you and your family that makes all our hard work worthwhile. We will be sure to pass your comments on to the performers, who will appreciate your feedback on their performance.

    We also want to thank you for taking your family to the theatre. A great society is measured in large part by its cultural arts, and part of our mission here at IAI Presentations is to further the cultural arts by bring people together and break down barriers between people through the theatre. By taking your family to the theatre, you are showing them what is possible in their own lives, and we hope THE PEKING ACROBATS has inspired you and your family to be the best they can be in their chosen fields of endeavor.

    Thank you again for making our day here at IAI Presentations, and we hope that you and your family will keep attending the theatre as it’s so vital. Take care, and we hope you are able to enjoy another IAI Presentations production in the near future!

    Kindest Regards,
    Cynthia A. Dike-Hughes, Vice President and COO
    IAI Presentations, Inc.
