Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The move

So, I know I've said this pretty much constantly for the past 2 months (sorry babe), but I HATE moving!!! Nothing, and I mean nothing is as bad as moving! UUGGHH. So it is with GREAT pleasure that I can finally, finally say that ours is pretty much over! It was ugly, but we were really blessed at the same time. Here are all the grizzly details:

Packing up took way longer that I'd anticipated and we had so much going on that last week, including Chris' graduation that we were very stressed as the day approached and we still had a house full of unpacked boxes. The morning of the move was not a time I like to remember, but then the door-bell rang and Chris' cousins Julie and Jace were there. Julie took charge and basically saved my life. Then a few hours later, some more of Chris' cousins showed up, and all those teenage boys worked non-stop! They were amazing! We were done before I realized it.

Shea was a dream on the drive to Mesquite where we spent the night and then again on the drive to LA the next morning. We are so grateful every day for such an amazing child!

Getting to our new house in LA with a 26 foot moving truck was a nightmare! Those trucks don't fit so well on crowded LA streets and definitely not in the tiny driveways of our complex. We finally got it inside and the Elders were there right away to start helping us. But after an hour of carting single boxes from the driveway, past a building, across our courtyard and up two flights of stairs (which is the closest we can ever get to a car - more on that to come) the four of us still hadn't done much. Then the cavalry showed up! We are so grateful for the church!!!! How does anyone move without the Elders quorum? We ended up with about 11 of the nicest, most hard-working, cheerful guys, who carried box after box until they were all soaked through. And the wives! One took Shea to a birthday party (4 hours later when I went to pick him up, he was fed, bathed, jammied, storied and almost asleep!) two others helped move a ton of boxes and then made us dinner and then breakfast the next day too! The ward has been so incredibly amazing (and more on that to come later too!)

So then the unpacking! WOW! All I have to say about that is that I was not anticipating this being that hard! But man!!! Moving from 2100 sq feet to 920 sq feet has proved to be quite a challenge. I am so happy with our place now, I think it's adorable, but we can't park our car in our garage as it is full to the ceiling with all the things that won't fit in the house. We need to get a storage unit soon! :-) Parking on the street is getting old!

The move is over and four years (when we'll have to move again) will be decades and decades sooner than I even want to begin thinking about moving again. One good thing we've firmly decided though - no matter what it costs, next time: MOVERS!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on MAKING IT there safely! I'm SO impressed with the sister that took Shea to the party! That is inspiring! I can't wait to find out more of the upcoming Flood adventures in California. I miss you already! And I dragged the whole family to Pudding on the Rice last weekend :) Thanks for introducing me to that lovely treat-place. LOVE IT!
