Friday, September 28, 2007

Shea's first day of Pre-School

On his way out the door on his FIRST DAY OF PRE-SCHOOL. (I know I'm biased, but have you EVER seen anything this adorable?? - Look at that big, boy smirk. :-))

I know, I know, he's only 2 1/2. What is this all about? Our amazing, fantastic, wonderful new friends run a co-op preschool and invited us to join. It's Tue and Thur from 10-12 in the resource room in our complex. They have it decorated so cute, Shea loved it on Tue. How the co-op works is one mom teaches each class and another mom is the helper and we rotate around. I end up doing 8 days each semester. The curriculum was written by a pre-school teacher and includes the letters, colors, numbers, holidays, safety things, it's really well done and fun. There's lots of craft and play time for the kids and they get to help alot and share and all those good pre-school things. i was worried Shea was a little too young, he's about 5 months younger than the youngest of the other 5, but he did great last week and LOVED, LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it.

Showing off his "packpack" that he gets to take to school.

Shea sitting on his rug listening to "teacher Katie"

Shea's bucket. He was so happy to have his very own bucket and his picture on the job wheel. He got to be "Rope Leader" on Thursday. :-) He held the rope and led the kids across the street to the playground for playtime. Ahhh, what makes a two year old happy. :-)

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