Saturday, October 13, 2007

Follow the Prophet

I feel so GREAT right now!!! For the first time in my adult life I have Food Storage!!!! Not only do I have all the fun, yummies from couponing that my family will bless me for having hoarded were there to be an emergency, but I now have a one month supply of all the life sustaining necessities for my family. It's only one month, but it's a start. And, even better, I know how to use all that wheat, potato pearls, rice, beans etc. Our ward RULES. They do ward canning day every six months where you just sign up, they bring all the stuff to our community center and we go can our own stuff for our families. I can not even tell you the security these 25 silver beauties have given me. Bring on the earthquakes (just don't let the disaster last longer than a month!) We live in a tiny apartment, but we decided that can't be an excuse any longer. I'm pretty sure I couldn't fit a year's supply in here but I'm going to work up to my 3 month that's for sure. And it feels GREAT!!

(Anybody want to swap food storage recipes? I know how to make delicious fries from potato pearls, 100% wheat chicken nuggets - that no kidding - actually taste dang good, and a kick-butt apple cobbler from the apples, oats and sugar!)


  1. I have no food storage recipes, but I want the ones you mentioned :)

  2. You go girl! I really need to start storing food. Thanks for the example. I cannot believe the things that come out of Shea's mouth! He kills me! It just shows how smart he is! I wish I had as much patience as you when it comes to coupons. The rewards are so amazing, but I felt like I had to work so hard to get the deals. Maybe you're using a better company than I did. Fill me in! XOXO

  3. good job, jenna. i have some food storage stuff, too, but i think most of it is about . . . oh, i don't know . . . 15 years old. i think i have some wheat from 1983. i bet you wanna come eat at my house in a disaster, right? that's the way, uhuh, uhuh, you'd like it, uhuh, uhuh. congrats on the pink baby you are growing, too!

  4. Wow! You are amazing! I have a little bit but not nearly as much as you. I need to be better. Matt is actually the one getting on me about it.

  5. Oh and I don't have any recipes but I would love some of yours if you wouldn't mind sharing! Miss you guys!

  6. Hey--I am totally with you. I love the food storage and am on quite a roll with all my stuff from the cannery. I have a bunch of great friends, who are also on a food storage kick, who have been swapping recipes with me. So I would love to share. I use a lot of whole wheat. We have big wheat grinding parties in my neighborhood, and I can't believe I just asked Brock for a wheat grinder for Christmas. Consider me exciting--last year a serger, this year a wheat grinder!!!! Let me know the best way to send you recipes. I think I still have like 5 different email addresses for you.
