Friday, March 14, 2008

True Confessions

Hi, My name is Jenna Flood and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE .... LOVE McDonalds.
I wish it weren't so but it's true. I LOVE MacDo! I promised Shea today that if he was good at the doctor's office, I'd buy him a Happy Meal on the way home. That promise had absolutely nothing to do with Shea and how good I wanted him to be, it was 100 % about Mommy's wicked chicken nugget craving. What is it about the salt, starch, sugar and fat, glorious fat in those nuggets, fries and Dr. Pepper? Heaven! If only I could always resist - I'm only 8 1/2 pounds up from my pre-pregnancy weight, but with those golden arches around the corner, I wouldn't be surprised if I started gaining it all back at this point. (We really hardly ever go there, but some days, I can resist no more!)


  1. #1. I LOOOOooooove McDonald's, love a regular cheeseburger OR a double cheeseburger. Have to put the fries under the bun of the burger. Yum.

    #2. WHAT? 8 pounds from your prepregnancy weight? This is Jenna Flood, right? You just had a baby like two weeks ago????? What, now that you are in LA you have a personal trainer and a fulltime nanny? What's your secret?! Were you a diligent WW while you were preggers???

  2. I wish I had a personal trainer, although if I could afford it, two live on my building, so I'd know where to go. No, I just didn't gain as much w/ Clare (24) even though I lived on nachos and honey roasted peanuts. (I gleefully gave up WW the day I found out I was pregnant, although I want to go back soon.) So apparently most of it was baby and water as 16 have fallen off in 2 weeks and I've been eating worse than when I was pregnant! I've got to get control of my sweet tooth or I'll be in trouble here soon.

  3. I had to laugh because I crave McDonald's chicken nuggets too! I especially loved them when I was pregnant. Some days I wanted nothing but chicken nuggets from McDonalds! Yum...

  4. Your confession made me laugh because lately I have totally been able to relate. I have been CRAVING McDonalds chicken nuggets alot lately during this last part of my pregnancy. There really is something about the subtle saltiness that is so irresistable!

  5. I love McDonalds too! They have the best chicken nuggets hands down!! What is WW? Just curious.

    Also, I saw you first hand, and you do look sooo good!! Way to go!!

  6. oh my god! my name is jenna flood too.
    except im 19 and live in australia. how scary!

    just thought you would like to know! hehe
