Sunday, October 25, 2009

How many times????

Today Chris was messing around with Shea, you know that torturous daddy mix of wrestling, squishing, ticklingness?! Shea had fun for a while and then said, "Let me go dad! I want to go play." To which Chris replied, "What, the sky's gray?"
Shea: No, I want to go play.
Chris: You had a bad day?
Shea: No, I want to go play.
Chris: Your birthday's in May?
Shea: No, I want to go play.
Chris: Mom's in the way?
Shea: No, I want to go play.
Chris: I don't know if Kim has a sleigh.
Shea: No, I want to go play.
Chris: You like fish filets?
Shea: No, I want to go play.
And on and on and on....
I really think Chris did about 30 rhymes. Every single time, Shea said, No, I want to go play.
Finally Chris (totally out of rhymes) let him up and Shea gave him this completely exasperated look and said, "Geez, DAD! I want to go play. How many times do I have to say it??!!"
We tried to explain that he was being messed with, but he totally didn't get it and just really thinks his dad is hard of hearing. :-)

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