Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My favorite time of day.

I really hate the hours of 5-7 pm. I'm trying to make dinner, keep Clare happy (who is at her worst at this time), get Shea to do his homework (ugh!), eat dinner, read scriptures, do baths, pick up the house, do dishes, get ready to start work etc. etc. etc. It makes me CRAZY. (To be fair, Chris is usually home and always helps with some of it, but it still is so stressful!) I try to not loose it, to be patient and kind but I'm not those things very often between 5 and 7.
So I get through those 2 hours, and finally my kids are in bed and I'm happily (read quietly!) ensconced in front of my TV working away. After a few hours of TV and work time, I'm so happy to go in and check on my babies before I go to bed. They are so sweet and so cute and smell so good and are so warm and cuddly. I love those moments where all the stress and hurry and frustration of the day have melted away and all I can think about are how wonderful they are and how very, very much I love them. So on that note, off I go to kiss and snuggle my babes.


  1. Oh Jenna! I feel the same way - my voice escalates in volume dramatically starting around 5pm...thank goodness for the moments of peace when we can put ourselves back together for the next day!

  2. Ah the 5-7 hours...I know it all too well. :) There are those moments of stress and frustration but oh how we love them so.

  3. So fun to read about your family! I have been SOOO swamped that I haven't even posted since school began.

    Miss you. Still haven't associated more with the French teacher at...well, you know where! XOJody

  4. That's what makes you such a great Mom. Knowing when the buttons are most likely to get pushed, and trying to overcome.......then recognizing the incredible blessings that are yours. I love you so much. You are such a great example of a really terrific MOM.
