Monday, January 14, 2008

Beware the Squirrels

As I sat in a quiet little corner of the UCLA campus today eating my lunch, I had a rather unique encounter with a couple of squirrels and I felt it my civic duty to alert you all of the horrifying truth I discovered... THE SQUIRRELS ARE ORGANIZED!

I was sitting there on a park bench under some trees, enjoying my PB&J when I noticed two unusually large squirrels staring at me. Another guy came and sat on the next bench and set down his bottle of cough syrup (yes, cough syrup). A minute later I hear this shaky voice say, "Dude help me!" I look over and the guy is cowering as the larger of the two squirrels backs away from him dragging the bottle of cough syrup. I tell him just to shoo it away but he whines, "No, it's gonna bite me!" So I get up and chase it away, but when I turn around, the other squirrel has gone behind the benches and is making a dash for my lunch. I grab my soda out of its little paws just in time to see the other squirrel making his move at my lunch box. So I chase them both off and sit down to finish my lunch as the other guy takes off, but the squirrels undauntedly return to their initial positions staring at me. I couldn't help but respect that kind of determination and strategy among rodents, so I shared my lunch with them. But then it occurred to me, maybe that was their plan all along...

PS - Squirrels don't like BBQ potato chips.


  1. Interesting....Squirrels are a little scary to me. I think I would be like the guy with the cough syrup. Maybe because there was a squirrel attack in my small town when I was growing up.

  2. Wow. That's incredible! It's just like that Geiko commercial. I love it! They are definitely smarter than we give them credit for. You should take a bottle of Cough Syrup with you next time and see what happens when a squirrel gets drunk.

  3. Crazy. Have you ever seen the show 'Meercat Manor?' Guess they should do one about squirrels too.

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