Sunday, January 13, 2008

When your 2 year olds voice is WAY too loud.

I laughed from our courtyard all the way to the birthday party we were going to yesterday after this little Shea gem:

Chris and I had been watching TV on Fri night. We turned to Turner Classic Movies to see what classic B&W was on and found some Sylvester Stallone rated R movie that happened to be right on a scene w/ Sly and a bunch of naked women. So Sat morning as Shea and I are getting ready for this bday party Chris and I are talking about how weird it was that they were showing that on Turner Classics and how you can't trust TV at all anymore!! So a bit later it's time to leave for the party and Shea and I walk downstairs. It was THE most beautiful California Saturday yesterday and our courtyard was full of people playing with their kids. As we're walking past the courtyard Shea says, "We're going to Jaden's birthday party." And I said, yep! And then he says in that way too loud 2 year old voice, "And daddy's at home watching naked ladies." All the neighbors turned to look as I'm trying to shush him and assure everyone that daddy's not at home watching naked ladies.

Oh my heck! I was so embarassed, but it was soooooo funny also, that he picked up on that conversation and chose to say that right then that I couldn't stop laughing for a good 10 minutes. We called daddy and told him what all the neighbors think now, he, however, not so amused. :-)


  1. Iiiiii think it's hilarious! Ha ha ha! Justin wouldn't be amused either, if it was him :)

  2. HAHAHA! I love it. I'm learning more about Chris everyday :)

  3. Is 2 too young to be a stand up comedian? I mean...he wouldn't even have to prepare anything, you could just tell him to say what's on his mind. What a funny kid!
