Sunday, January 27, 2008

My super secret mutant ability

I am mourning the loss of my blog time. Sorry it's been a while, I have ZERO time to post since I started working all these hours (at least it's from home!) and teaching institute. These are busy days and the baby hasn't even arrived yet. Aggh! :-) But it's all good - except that I never get to blog or blog stalk. Anyway...

So the other day Chris comes home from school and he says that he's decided he knows what my Super Secret Mutant Ability is. I was all excited wondering what it could be. Can I walk through walls and don't know it? Do I have some secret super speed that means cleaning my house only takes 2 minutes? No, no, it turns out that my Super Secret Mutant Ability is absolutely ALWAYS picking rotten bananas. Apparently, I have a real talent in this area. And now I have a complex so I spend a lot of time in front of the bananas at the grocery store selecting THE best looking ones in the bunch - but still - EVERY time, seriously, every time, when we open the first one, as Chris had done at school that day, we find they are just disgusting, brown, rotten things inside. Help!!!! Anyone know any tricks so I can claim a better Super Secret Mutant Ability??? There are lots that I can think of that I'd like to have. :-)

Oh, and I have to apologize for asking you to watch me on Ellen. I can't dance. I'll admit it, I've know it my whole life. I have absolutely ZERO rhythm. In fact, I actually have to look at the person next to me (as you may have noticed on Ellen ) to know when to clap as I can't hear a beat at all. And then, add 9 months of pregnancy to that and what do you get??? The total mess you may have seen on the Ellen show. I was sooooooo embarassed to see my big, pregnant, no rhythm self dancing on live TV! What was I thinking??? It was not my proudest moment! But it was so fun, I totally want to go again so come and visit and we'll go!!! (but not tell anyone to watch us! :-)


  1. No can help you there, chica. The bananas are always GREEN here these days. Like FLORESCENT green when you buy them. I can't figure out how to turn them YELLOW! They just go from green directly to brown! It's SOoooo obnoxious!

  2. Love your banana super secret mutant ability. We get green bananas too.

    I DO want to see you on Ellen! Sounds like it was tons of fun.

    So explain more of what you're up to these days. Teaching? Working from home? Details please! You are amazing and I love hearing how and what you're doing and how you manage to balance everything so well!

  3. First off, you were so great on Ellen!! I don't care what Chris said! You were so cute!

    Second, I'm not much help in the banana department. I suck at it too. I force the boys to eat them all within a day or two of buying them because they go bad so fast. Try buying a couple at a time so you don't waste your money on a big bulk of them.

  4. OK - we just have to say - - you guys have the MOST entertaining blogs. We die laughing EVERY time! MOM &DAD
