Sunday, April 13, 2008

Grocery Shopping

So - grocery shopping with two kids is an adventure. The first time I went to the grocery store alone wasn't too bad, Clare cried 1/2 the time, but I can handle that (even though I was getting pretty nasty looks.) So, I thought I'd try it again, I had a bunch of groceries to get and I couldn't wait for Chris to get home so off we went. I didn't realize quite how much I needed and by the time we got to the deli counter Clare had been screaming her head off for 45 straight minutes and my cart was absolutely overflowing. After the whole ordeal was over I looked over at the bagger and he had filled TWO carts full with my groceries (and I still had the car seat with the screaming baby in it!) What?? I could fit it all into one cart but he couldn't? I couldn't figure out what to do - how could I get home carrying a car seat (since they packed groceries into the seat) holding the hand of a toddler and pushing two carts. Um.... They so kindly asked me if they could help me out to my car. Well, no car guys, I walked over. This caused quite the commotion at the front end of the store. No one could figure out what to do. So eventually the manager sent TWO baggers, each pushing a cart, across the street and down the block home with me. (How embarased was I?) And I didn't even tip them! (Ok, I would have, but I wasn't planning on being escorted and I had no cash.) Ugghh! When am I going to the store again? Don't ask! :-)


  1. I am laughing so hard. I wish I was driving by with my camera! Um, why didn't you call me?? I would have jumped in my car and rescued you! CALL ME NEXT TIME!

  2. How funny! I envisioned the entire thing as I read it!! You poor thing. You will figure it out. It will get easier. Definitely wait on the big ones and go with Chris.

  3. HILARIOUS! Jenna, you crack me up. I don't even like going to the store with just Devin and he doesn't even scream. You must have been wonder woman in a previous life.

  4. Ouch. That hurt even reading about it. :)

  5. Was this Vons? That's amazing to me that they pushed the carts across the street for you.

  6. What service! That's so funny. Next time I think I'm embarrassed I'll remember this story!
