Friday, May 30, 2008

More Shea Classics

If you’ve ever read this blog you know that Shea can be a pretty hysterical kid. These are a few keepers I’ve written down the past month.

-The other day Chris and I were kissing in the living room and Shea walked in from his bedroom. He ran up to us and said, “I want some!” (Which just sounds wrong coming from a three year old.) We laughed and grabbed him up for his share.
-Yesterday we were at the WIC office and Shea was playing with a little girl, when he had to go potty. In the bathroom, he still being excited about wearing big boy underwear & excited about his new friend said, "Mom, I'm going to show that girl my underwear." Um.....NO, let's not do that buddy!! Where to begin explaining this one??
-We were driving to church two weeks ago and there was a guy walking on the sidewalk near us with a shopping bag. Shea looked at him and asked me, “Where’s he going, mom?” I said, “I don’t know bud, maybe he’s going home.” Shea responds, “I bet he’s going to the store to get some to get some Kleenex for when he has issues.” (I’m pretty sure that this means that I’ve had way too many “issues” in the past little while.)
-And my favorite, although probably not appropriate for the blog – be warned, this is a bit too much information. I had just finished nursing Clare and had lifted her up to my other shoulder to burp her (before covering things up.) Shea walked in at that very moment and said, “Put that boobie away mommy!” ☺


  1. So nice to keep these little phrases handy! Love them!

  2. OH MY GOSH!!! That kid is too hilarious. He should be famous.

  3. Ah, kids say the darndest things! Love it!!
