Monday, December 3, 2007

He did NOT just say that!!!

Shea has been having a really hard time sleeping through the night lately. He wakes up a couple times every night and wants to come in mom and dad's bed. Some nights I let him because it's easier, and other nights I end up in his bed for a while or I sing him songs or something to keep him in his bed. Last night was terrible! He woke up twice, and both times I laid down by him to coax him back to sleep, but the second time I was so tired I fell asleep for an hour. An hour on the edge of an IKEA toddler bed is not a pretty thing, in case you were wondering. So I manage to haul my exhausted, hugely pregnant, cramped up self out of his bed and back to mine. The second I fall asleep he starts crying again. I know I should just let him cry, but if I do then he'll get out of his big boy bed and I don't want to start a pattern of that, at least now he stays in it no matter what (or so I thought.) So, practically crying at this point, I'm so tired and frustrated, I go back into his room and sit on his floor and try to talk to him. The second I'm sitting he LEAPS out of bed, bolts around me and tears into our room. I jump up and follow him just in time to see him launch himself into the bed where he grabs the covers and snuggles right up. I can't believe it, but I'm so tired and bugged I don't even care. So I crawl in and the little turkey worms his way into the middle of my pillow, squashing himself against me until I'm barely clinging to the edge of the bed and snuggles up to sleep. I am seriously crying at this point (I know it sounds like I need professional help, but I'd been up for hours, was sooo tired, am 7 months pregnant and he was being such a turkey!) Then that little devil half turns around to look at me and has the gall to say, "Stop crying mommy, I'm trying to sleep."

You little TURD! :-) :-)


  1. What a turkey! Kids are soooooo funny sometimes!!

    I know someone who had this problem and Shea's at a pretty good age. You may want to try a sticker chart for when he stays in bed all night, or a treat reward. Maybe even say, 3 m&m's and every time he gets out of bed, mommy will eat one. if he's motivated by stickers or treats! Or, he if he earns enough stickers, he will earn....whatever it is.

    Don't know that you were looking for advice, sorry!! But hope it helps anyway :)

    Miss you!

  2. I have tears I am laughing so hard!!

  3. I my goodness - your father and I laughed until we both thought we might die!! I'm sorry you were so tired, but thank goodness for for a sense of humor!! I love you. Be sure to take a nap when he does!!

  4. Don't laugh, but after a FULL YEAR of trying to get Spencer to stay in his bed, guess what worked? 'Talk time.' ?! When he stayed in his bed (he didn't really have a problem getting up in the night, mostly staying initially), then he earned 10 minutes of mommy-Spencer talk time before bed the next night where we talked about whatever he wanted. After a million charts, stickers, spanks (to which he would say, 'that didn't hurt- do it again,'toy rewards, etc, 'talk time' finally did it. He was so happy! Who would have thought?!

    One night I followed a parenting book's advice and stuck him back in bed every time he got out. After 97 times and a bucket full of tears of frustration, I threw that book away! What do they know?

    That said, Shea manages to be a stinker with charm. How does he do that? We miss that little guy. Hope tonight goes better. :)

  5. Hey there could be worse things right? Im glad our boys are such little snugglers : ) I don't think Henry's ever slept through the night and well, it's okay by me (i know, it sounds miserable - but it's not)

    Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

  6. Poor Jenna!! I was laughing so hard! Please tell me it won't be that hard for me. I hope he has gotten better!!

  7. Shea is hilarious. I know it must be frustrating for you, and I sympathize...but it sure is entertaining for me.
