Friday, February 29, 2008


"Clare is a thing of beauty" is how her pediatrician put it and I, of course, agree. As I write this she is sleeping soundly in her swing waiting to be woken for a feeding. So far she is a fantastic nurser and a terrific sleeper (I had to wake her last night at 5 hours to eat!) and we love her to distraction.

Her delivery was long, 14 hours, and I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I actually enjoyed the experience. :-) There were painful moments (duh, it's labor and delivery) but she was so much easier than Shea that I couldn't believe it could be like that. I feel great now too, again, much better than with Shea's birth. And props to Dr. Mason, it turns out that an 85 year old man CAN deliver babies! (Although he was about 30 seconds from missing it - she was so quick there at the end that he walked in the room, shrugged off his jacket, got gloves on and there she was!)

Shea is so far extremely helpful, he loves to hand us diapers, and offer her a binkie. He wasn't too keen on holding or kissing her at first - in the hospital his answer to everything related to her was, "No thank you;" however, he asked to hold her today and did a great job. He loves to look at and talk about her teeny tiny hands and feet.

We'll try to keep up to date on posting pictures and news as I figure out how to do everything that has to be done in my life AND take care of TWO kids. (I realize this is not rocket science, by the way, and that most of you have managed it, but on day 3 it does sort of feel like it! :-)

Daddy Daughter

Mommy and BOTH her beautiful babies!

Leaving the hospital

Big brother


  1. What cute photos! Congrats again. Give yourself a few weeks to get into the swing of things. You'll figure it out I'm sure.

  2. I have been waiting for photos. She is so beautiful. She looks like Jenna to me but I can't be sure till I see her in person. Good to hear that things are going great over there. We booked our hotel and will be there Friday night. Can't wait to see little Clare!!

  3. Yipee! She's here! I think she looks like you Jenna, but it is hard to tell in the beginning. Congratulations! She's beautiful!!

  4. What a pretty little thing -- congrats! I had the same experience with my second. Didn't know birth could be less than completely traumatic :)

    I see Clare has Chris' hairstyle. :)

  5. What a little beauty. I love her chubby face. Glad to hear you're getting the hang of being a mother of 2! Not surprised, though. You've always been a natural with kids.

  6. I can't get over the chubby cheeks! And to think you said last summer that you wanted another boy. I'm so glad you get to discover what it is like to raise a son and a daughter. Congrats to you all!

  7. I love those cheeks--seriously, they don't get much cuter than that. Love seeing all the pics and we can't wait to meet her next week. Ke'ola can't stop talking about it.

  8. Isn't it amazing those doctors come in at the last second. I'm soglad things went better this time around. She is BEAUTIFUL! Giver her a big kiss for me.

  9. Isn't it amazing those doctors come in at the last second. I'm so glad things went better this time around. She is BEAUTIFUL! Giver her a big kiss for me.

  10. She is such a doll and I LOVE that last photo : )

  11. So cute! I wish I could see her in person, and watch Shae interact with her. Make sure you take it easy right now and don't overdo it too soon! Jenna...I'm serious! REST! :) And by the way, even rocket scientists are not exempt from the stuggles if being a new mom. ;)

  12. What a perfect little angel! I'm so happy to hear you upbeat and enjoying every bit of Clare. I'm absolutely terrifed for number two...but maybe it won't be so bad! Congrats to your whole family!!!

  13. Congrats!!! Finally! :) Simply beautiful!
    P.S. I had no idea you had a blog!

  14. I'm sure Dr. Mason would just love to know that we call him "85"
